This site is specifically designed for anyone, 18 yrs. or older,
who prefers heterosexual or general posts about
"The Man from U.N.C.L.E.",
David McCallum, Robert Vaughn,
and their alter egos.

Suggested posts include discussion forums,
fics (site links and self-promotion okay),
resources for writers,
pics and news about the guys.
Adult content is okay,
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Monday, January 18, 2010

Kuryakin-McCallum Monday - favorite IK characterization

We've talked about favorite episodes for the "little blond guy" on MFU.  What is your favorite characterization or disguise? 

Do you like the simple, no disguise needed, characterizations like the "Kuryakin of Paris" stunt in "Deadly Decoy", the little street thief in "See-Paris-and-Die" who needed only a knife and a beret for his character, or do you like the more elaborate disguises like Donyev in "Project Strigas"?

What do you think, cousins?

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